Ian Faulkner (Soutar): Web Journalist, Inventor, Health Researcher, Bodywork Practioner, Electronic Product Designer

* Ian Faulkner with Uranium Glass Beads*

Email:  bodyworksvictoria@gmail.com

Facebook Profile

Twitter Profile

Instagram Profile

My Inventions and Products:

MindBody Harmonizer

Want to Brighten Your Mood? 

Need Deep Relaxation? Better Concentration?  Need Better Sleep? Stress Relief? Meditation Help?

Uses Gentle Electronic Brain Stimulation through Earlobes!

See Website at http://harmonizer.ca

See video of University of Victoria student showing how it helps in school

Mind Body Harmonizer for Mood Brightening, Concentration and Quieting Thoughts

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Rattail Antenna Booster (Patented 2002)

Improves emergency handheld radio performance, slips in pocket, doubling communication range for Emergency Workers. 

See details at:  http://rattailantenna.com

Antenna Booster for Emergency Radio Communication

See website for details …


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Radiant Beads for Healing

Beads Boost DNA Repair Rate to Boost Immunity

Mildly Radioactive Radiant Beads to Boost Immunity (Glowing under UV Light)

Mild Radiation Hormesis Beads for Healing. 

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Inventions That Heal & Help People


Website:   http://microsec.net

Ian Faulkner’s Inventions from 1973 to 2017:  http://www.microsec.net/product-history/

Health Innovations, Arthritis Cure, Cancer Prevention: http://bodyworksvictoria.ca/health

Medicine Buddha Healing: http://bodyworksvictoria.ca/medicine-buddha/

Sufi Healing: http://bodyworksvictoria.ca/sufi-healing/

Healing Modality I created and teach … “Harmonic Resonance Bodywork” … http://harmonicresonance.org

Microsec R&D Inc. 

My Company Shared with Inventors Ed Haslam & Barbara Soutar

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Elephant Journal Articles Research

1/ First Article in full:

My 11-year-old Daughter’s Idea to use the Power of Music led to a Miraculous Brain Injury Recovery.

2/ Article on Arthritis & Boron

Most Arthritis & Osteoporosis is Preventable & Curable—and has been since 1968.

Web support for Arthritis Article:


3/ Article on Presence Music Meditation:

This Scientifically Proven Practice from the 1940s makes Meditation Easy.

Web Support for Scientifically Proven 1940s Meditation Practice 


Article 4:

Who Killed Alternative Medicine in 1910

How a Couple of “Elites” Screwed Up Western Medicine for Everyone.

Web Support for “Who Killed Alternative Medicine in 1910 ?”

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“Barbara is the only woman I have met who would put up with my craziness! I love her dearly.”

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Ian Faulkner (Soutar) was born in a small mining town, Larder Lake in Northern Ontario in 1949. His childhood between 3 and 5 years old was spent in Victoria BC on Vancouver Island where he currently lives. He grew up in Sault Ste Marie Ontario to age 12 and wanted to be an inventor like Thomas Edison or a scientist like Marie Currie. As a 7-12 year old he played with chemistry, physics, geology, biology and electronics.

His father was Rev. George Soutar, a progressive United Church Minister who moved the family to the Hamilton Ontario area in 1962 where he became the minister at Centenary United Church. Later in his career as a minister he became a Buddhist and the congregation was accepting of Buddhist ideas sprinkled through his sermons. Ian was influenced by his Dad to became a spiritual explorer in his teens, taking up yoga and meditation. Later as a hippie he explored psychedelic drugs for spiritual exploration. This helped to open his mind to help to become an inventor too. Inventors need to escape from belief in order to find new ideas, and new ways to do things. The drug experiences opened a very valuable pathway to innovative thinking.

By age 23 he moved to New Zealand for 6 months and in the process of living there invented a tool for helping blind people sort their clothes by colour. That was the beginning of a lifetime invention career. While in New Zealand he met by letter, Barbara Summers of Burlington Ontario. Upon his return to Canada he married Barbara. They are still married after 42 years. They both spent one year living “off the grid” on Saltspring Island BC in 1981.  Ian is willing to explore anything at all with no regard for “what other people think”. It’s the “Way of the Inventor” to not worry about being labelled crazy.

During the 1980s he worked at the Canadian National Research Council in Ottawa doing research on solar thermal and solar voltaic technologies. His house uses solar for the lighting in the main part of the house. In 1986 Barbara and Ian moved to London Ontario and in 1988 their one child Meghan was born. That is when he started to earn his money as an inventor as a full time career.

Barbara and Ian since 1991 live on Vancouver Island in Victoria British Columbia. Meghan, who is 28, is also in town. She is attending the Univ. of Victoria and living with her boyfriend near Chinatown. 

Over his lifetime Ian has spent time as a concrete researcher, journalist, aluminum carpenter in NZ,  land surveyor, genealogy researcher, museum technician, inventor,  Trager bodywork therapist,  beekeeper, university lab manager and bodywork sexual healer. His broad range of experiences in many different fields has been key to the inventing of new technologies which you can view at http://microsec.net and elsewhere on the internet.

Since 2010 Ian has been attending a weekly graduate meeting at the University of Victoria in the Materials Science department.  They informally collect nutritional and health research papers that have the potential to really help people. The group uses themselves as “guinea pigs” to try out these ideas. The Uvic group has had success using the nutrient element boron to treat and eliminate arthritis. 12 people associated with the group have eliminated arthritis from their lives. They have also experimented with using low dose nuclear radiation to boost immunity to disease and cancer. The findings are covered on the site http://radiation-hormesis.com

In 1987 he studied Trager Bodywork through the Trager Institute in California. Since then he has been exploring all types of bodywork healing.I In 2016 Ian studied sexual healing bodywork through the EroSpirit School on Saltspring Island. He graduated from the 150 hour apprenticeship program as an “Intimacy Educator”. This type of healing work has become mainstream in California and Washington State for the treatment of people who have suffered sexual abuse or have sexual performance issues. It is also useful for treating aging men with prostate problems.

Ian continues to design electronic products and since 2010 the focus has been healing devices.

Microsec R&D Inc. Inventions

Ian and his business partner Ed Haslam (also an inventor) continue to invent new products under the company Microsec R&D Inc. Since 2010 they have been exploring new tools for healing. Electro-medicine has remained extremely important in all countries outside North America since about 1820.  

In Canada and the USA Electro-medicine remains relatively unknown because it was suppressed in 1929 by the Carnegie Foundation and other groups who were invested heavily in the pharmaceutical industries.

These electronic healing tools are widely used outside North America, especially in Germany, France, China, Japan and Russia.

Ian’s group of developers is about to release a series of products to assist with healing, meditation and pain relief. The first of these tools released is the Mind Body Harmonizer brain stimulator shown in the website list above. It brightens mood, enhances meditation, learning & concentration. It may be useful to assist with lucid dreaming. It is still under development.

This year (2017) Ian is exploring natural low dose nuclear radiation tools to assist beekeepers to combat “colony collapse”. He keeps bees in his backyard.

The above is a cool picture that Ian uses in his websites to symbolise cooperation. Everyone pulling equally on the rope keeps everyone in balance.  

The picture shows the members of the 2016 Sexual Healing Massage Class by Caffyn Jesse of the Erospirit School on Saltspring Island B.C. Canada. They were studying massage as a key therapy for treating sexual abuse trauma as well as for treating sexual ailments. Some were registered massage therapists. The class is followed by a 150 hour certification apprenticeship resulting in a diploma as an “Intimacy Educator”. Ian Faulkner can be identified in the picture by the watch to the left.

Such is the state of our culture that a key effective therapy for treating sexual abuse trauma remains hidden due to our Puritanical culture. Yet 1 in 5 women in Canada and the USA have been sexually traumatized at some point in their lives. Talk therapy and psychiatry are almost completely ineffective for abuse trauma treatment.

Loving touch and hugs are proven to be very effective for overcoming abuse trauma. Therapeutic sensual massage is sometimes essential to restore sexual functioning after abuse trauma. These therapies need to become available to alleviate the suffering of the victims of sexual and emotional abuse when appropriate.

In the USA sexology based bodywork is government approved in California and Washington State.  It is not yet widely recognized in Canada.